How Is A Robotic Hair Transplant Performed?

Balding or thinning hair can lower your self-confidence and make you appear older than you are. Double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Anil Shah and board-certified physician Dr. Sameea Chughtai proudly use robotic hair restoration for individuals who would like to reclaim their youth. Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a popular hair transplant method that is minimally invasive and requires no scars. Find out why so many patients at Aesthetic Scalp are asking for FUE by scheduling a consultation in Chicago, IL.

Who benefits from follicular unit extraction?

Losing some hair is a natural part of life. Some people experience hair loss due to genetics, stress, hormonal fluctuations, or poor lifestyle habits. Follicular unit extraction can be performed for men and women of all ages and hair types. Most candidates have a receding hairline and would like to add depth to thinning areas of the scalp. Even those who wear their hair short may qualify for this procedure. An assessment with an experienced physician can let you know if an FUE hair transplant will work for you. This treatment offers the following benefits:

  • No visible scarring

  • Donor area looks unaffected several weeks afterward

  • Recovery takes days instead of months

  • Little to no discomfort during treatment

  • Fuller, natural-looking results

The ARTASĀ® Robotic Hair Transplant system

Traditional methods of hair restoration are sometimes subject to human error. This is one of the reasons why robotic technology is used during FUE. Robotic hair restoration uses precise surgical tools to increase the efficiency of your treatment. The state-of-the-art ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant system at Aesthetic Scalp is known to create successful outcomes. The smaller needles also reduce your time spent in recovery. Contact our office in Chicago, IL to schedule a one-on-one meeting to learn more about these options.

How is robotic hair restoration performed?

Follicular unit extraction carefully relocates healthy donor hair from the back of the head to other areas of the scalp. Hair is harvested in small units to increase the success rate and create a natural appearance. The procedure may take a full working day, so we encourage you to plan accordingly. FUE hair transplants require a local anesthetic and sometimes oral medication so you can feel as comfortable as possible. The specific approach we use does depend on your current hairline and treatment goals.

About your hair transplant results

It does take a little time to see hair transplant results since the donor hairs may fall out before regrowth begins. Once the hair begins to grow back, it should be indistinguishable from the hair surrounding it. The shorter recovery period makes robotic hair restoration desirable, especially if you have a busy schedule. You may notice some scabbing afterward, but these scabs are tiny and will flake off after several days. During recovery, it is important to follow all post-operative instructions to get the best results.

Treat balding or thinning hair

People of any age or ethnic background can experience balding or thinning hair. Unfortunately, hair loss can lower your confidence and self-esteem in everyday life. If you are ready to experience long-term hair growth and want to learn about getting an FUE hair transplant, contact the professionals at Aesthetic Scalp. Double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Anil Shah and board-certified physician Dr. Sameea Chughtai can restore the look of your hairline and the fullness of your scalp. Our clinic is proud to be at the forefront of robotic hair restoration in Chicago, IL.